Health Science Education Instructor

The blog is a means to communicate amongst one

another for matters pertaining only to Anatomy and Physiology, Medical

Terminology, and Health Careers for the students in the first year of Health

Science at SICTC in Evansville, Indiana.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Current Event Blog Article for Feb 28 to March 3rd

The article this week relates to Eastern Medicine as we demonstrated various methods during class.  This will expand your knowledge in alternative medicine. 

During discussion compare Eastern and Western Medicine.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?  Look up one technique and expand within blog.

Chinese Medicine

Monday, February 21, 2011


DUE: Tuesday morning at 8:00AM

Hopefully you were able to experience the importance of what you have learned in Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terms and Health Careers to see how relevant the information you are learning will apply to your future to set you apart from other students.


  1. Write or type as many terms you heard the speaker use that you have already learned in class this year.
  2. What content about the skeletal bones did you already know, and could apply to what the speaker addressed.
  3. Any new terms you heard that you will look up to gain a better understanding about the skeletal system.
  4. Identify any anatomical parts or directional terms mentioned today.
  5. What did you like about the speaker's presentation or style?
When you arrive tomorrow, place your answers in the wire basket in front of the classroom.

Ms. Pruitt

Sunday, February 20, 2011


The Med Terms test over Chapters 15 and 6 will NOT be given this WEDNESDAY

Based on the progression we make this week on the remainder of Skeletal bones, the test may be delayed. We will discuss in class.

See you Monday,
Ms. Pruitt

Friday, February 18, 2011



ASSIGNMENT in preparation for Monday Guest Speaker

Flexibility is the key, but as of Friday, our guest speaker will be here on Monday. 

In order to prepare yourself to engage in conversation and ask questions, review the following.

1.  Types of Joints:  ball & socket; gliding; etc.
2.  Know the structure and name of the knee parts: articulation cartilage; meniscus, bursa, etc.
3.  Look up the AXIAL and AXIS of the cervical vertebra and what movement does it allow for the cranium.
4.  Label all parts of the diagram handout.  Include all bones listed on your master sheet and the landmarks.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Current Events Feb 13th - Feb 17th

February 13 – February 17th
This week’s Current Event relates to bone fractures.  First watch the brief 2 minute video explaining the different type of fractures that occur to bones.  The video will give you a visual for bone fractures.  Next, click on the second link to read the article on the steps to bone healing.  Provide your summary using 5-8 sentences and comment on 2 of your peers ideas. Last post accepted Thursday, Feb. 17th at 8:00pm. 

Link below is to the Article: Bone Healing
Page Last Updated: 12/18/2009  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ongoing Journal Entry

Remember to write down one new thing you have learned every day in your journal/notebook.  These will be reviewed by Ms. Barnett and Ms. Pruitt.

Handwashing Checkoff List

If you have completed your handwashing checkoff, please turn in your rubric tomorrow. 
Have a nice evening.

Ms. Pruitt

Monday, February 7, 2011

Med Term Vocabulary Chapter 15 - Pharmacology

The afternoon class realized the definitions based upon word parts, going from the back to the front, were incorrect.  The list below is corrected. 
See you tomorrow.

  • Pre/script/ion-  action,  process,  condition before writing
  • Anti/pyret/ic- pertaining to against fever
  • An/algesic- painful without
  • Sub/lingu/al- pertaining to below tongue
  • Trans/dermal/- pertaining to across skin
  • Hypo/derm/ic- pertaining to below skin
  • Intra/derm/al- pertaining to within skin
  • Intra/muscul/ar- pertaining to within muscle
  • Intra/ven/ous- pertaining to within veins
  • Palliat/ive- performs hidden
  • Contra/indicat/ion- Pertaining to opposite showing
  • Potent/iate- to make more powerful  (dividing may not be right)
  • Pharmac/ology- study of drugs