Health Science Education Instructor

The blog is a means to communicate amongst one

another for matters pertaining only to Anatomy and Physiology, Medical

Terminology, and Health Careers for the students in the first year of Health

Science at SICTC in Evansville, Indiana.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Med Term Vocabulary Words: Test Wednesday April 27, 2010

Respiratory Terms
divide and identify word parts, define both word part definition and literal.
  1. anoxia
  2. apnea
  3. asphyxia
  4. atelectasis
  5. bronchitits
  6. Cheyne-Stokes respiration
  7. dyspnea
  8. Emphysema
  9. hemothorax
  10. hypercapnia
  11. hyperventilation
  12. hypoxemia
  13. hypoxia
  14. pleurisy
  15. pneumoconiosis
  16. pneumothorax
  17. rhinitis
  18. sinusitis
  19. tachypnea
  20. tracheotomy

LAST BLOG: CPR administration May 9 - 12, 2011 DUE THURSDAY 8PM

The article is on administering CPR.  This is the final current event Blog.
Remember to DISCUSS.  Previous rules apply.

Ms. Pruitt

BLOG Art Therapy May 2 - 5, 2011 DUE THURSDAY 8PM

The article show art therapy as an effective exploration of children s emotions and situations.
Remember DISCUSS the article.  Previous rules apply.

Ms. Pruitt

BLOG Leadership and Management April 25 - 28, 2011 DUE THURSDAY 8PM

The article discusses leadership and management differences.
Remember to DISCUSS!!  Same rules apply.

 Ms. Pruitt

Blog Aromatherapy for April 18 - 21, 2011 DUE THURSDAY 8PM

The article below is on aromatherapy as an alternative method.  Remember to DISCUSS the article and return to read others responses throughout the week.

Write your summary and respond to the minimum of 2 peers.

Ms. Pruitt