Health Science Education Instructor

The blog is a means to communicate amongst one

another for matters pertaining only to Anatomy and Physiology, Medical

Terminology, and Health Careers for the students in the first year of Health

Science at SICTC in Evansville, Indiana.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ch 5 Outline of Content to cover for Student Presentations

Chapter 5 Anatomy & Physiology
Epithelial Tissues
Basement membrane
  1. Simple
  2. Stratified
  3. Transitional
  4. Glandular
    • Squamous
    • Cuboidal
    • Columnar
Connective Tissues
Major Cell Types
1.       Fibroblast: collagen, elastic and reticular fibers
2.     Macrophages
3.    Mast Cells
Tissue Fibers
1.       Collagenous
2.     Elastic
3.     Reticular

Categories of Connective Tissue
  1. Loose: 
  2. Adipose:
  3. Dense:
  4. Cartilage
  5. Bone
  6. Blood

Muscle Tissues
1.       Skeletal Muscle
2.     Smooth Muscle
3.     Cardiac Muscle
Nervous Tissues
1.       Nervous Tissue
2.     Neurons
3.     Neuroglial

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