Health Science Education Instructor

The blog is a means to communicate amongst one

another for matters pertaining only to Anatomy and Physiology, Medical

Terminology, and Health Careers for the students in the first year of Health

Science at SICTC in Evansville, Indiana.

Monday, March 28, 2011

CE BLOG: Radiation Effects on Humans

This week is to learn more about the effects of radiation on the human body.  The more you are informed , the more you can discern the truth in the information you hear about Japan. Fear arises when we don't have adequate information.

Due Thursday 8:oopm

Welcome back and let's get ready to finish the year in  style!
Ms. P


  1. Grace: That video about the dogs is so sad. It makes me wonder about all the other animals that are stuck, hurt, and without food and water in Japan. I just want to go and save all the animals there.

  2. I think that this article is very interesting since it is talking about something that we can relate to today. I learned that radiation occurs when "the nucleus of an unstable atom decays"; I had never even known that there was something out there that could do this. Radiation levels are measured in rems. I think that it is interesting to know that if a human is exposed to less than 50rem of radiation then they will more than likely be okay, but in contrast, if (most) humans are exposed to 450rem of radiation they will die. I also found that we are exposed to about 274 micro-rem each year simply through our environment (

    Allison - Gamma radiation is said to be the most harmful type of radiation to humans. Gamma rays can travel all the way through a human body. It is also said that in order to block gamma radiation it would take a concrete block or even lead. (

    Jordan - I agree that it is odd to think such a potential harmful thing is used to kill some our strongest diseases. The trick behind radiation is that it will cause the cell to mutate therefore altering the way the cell acts.

  3. While reading this article I realized how much radiation the Japanese are actually experiencing. Although it is not a lot like many people portray, it could still be enough to seriously harm people. I also learned that radiation is not as foreign as I thought because everytime you get a gastrointestinal series X-ray you receive 14 mSv of radiation. It may seem like a lot, but when you notice how much radiation it takes just to make you nauseated its not that bad.

    If radiation is used in cancer treatments, could it HELP those Japanese with cancer? Or would it affect them all the same?
    What is the difference between REM and mSv?

    Paige- Its amazing how serious radiation really is! It is obviously dangerous but I think this article showed us how it could affect you if a large amount of radiation was received.
    Grace- Its great that people are starting to help the animals! But are they just helping family pets or are they also helping those animals that are native to Japan?

  4. Radiation is when the atomic nucleus of a unstable atom starts releasing ionizing particles (radiation ionizing). The particles can damage human tissues causing burns or cancer. Roentgen equivalent in man (REM) is used to measure radiation. People will receive a dose of radiation twice, once during the explosion and then during the fallout. Fallout is when the particles from the explosion of radiation are still in the air. So there is still a way for people to be exposed to radiation after the explosion. Radiation can cause internal bleeding to humans so any cut or wound on a persons body will take a while for it to stop bleeding. Radiation is a bigger deal than I thought it was. I thought it was just used to treat cancer and that was it. If it is so harmful for the body then I don't exactly understand why it is used for cancer patients.

  5. Paige - I was thinking that same question. I think that we would have an idea of what to do just because we are learning new things from it since it is going on in Japan.

    Jack - What all goes on during the process of overcoming radiation sickness? Is it something your immune system fights off or is it more like medication or something?

  6. Radiation occurs when an unstable atom's atomic nucleus decays and releases ionizing particles. When the particles come into contact with organic material, they can cause damage. Roentgen equivalent in man is a unit used to measure radiation dosage. It determines what levels are safe and which are not. A dose up to 50 rem won't cause many problems. A dose from 50-200 rem can cause illness, but it is unlikely to be fatal, but a dose from 200-1,000 rem is more likely to cause a serious illness, with rems nearing 1,000 very likely fatal.

    Allison- I found that gamma rays are the most harmful for external damage, and alpha causes the most internal damage. Gamma rays cause burns that are very painful and deep, which makes them hard to treat. They can also cause organ failure. If inhaled or ingested, alpha radiation causes cancer, kidney damage, chromosomal damage, and radiation poisoning.

    Aaron- Radiation causes leukemia, internal harm to nerve cells and cells that line the digestive tract. It reduces the production of blood platelets, which helps blood clot. Because of that, they are vulnerable to hemorrhaging. Radiation also kills white blood cells, which makes victims at a high risk for disease.

  7. Radiation can be used for good to humans but also harm humans. REM is used to measure the radiation dose age that man are exposed too. To much radiation can be dangerous to human tissue. Such as the radiation exposed to the Japanese is potentially dangerous to those who are exposed to it. But the key word is "being" exposed. Radiation is a good source for cancer but also harms the body and different varieties.

    **I agree with Paige & Aubrey, although it is a catastrophe in Japan, Those in other countries can learn the levels and how bad they can effect our society and economy as well.

  8. Everyone knows about what's happening in Japan and about Fukushima nuclear facility. This article talks about what radiation does to the human and how harmful it can be. The type of damage radiation can do to the body ranges from burns to even death. A dose of 50 REM (unit used to measure radiation) will usually cause no major problems. A dose over 1,000 usually ends with death. Some signs and symptoms of radiation range from damage to the spleen, bone marrow and lymph nodes and cancers. To reduce the effects of radiation on the body, doctors use antibiotics, colony stimulating factors, blood products, and stem cell transplant. I knew radiation was harmful, but I never realized how harmful it was until reading this article.

    Bri- I found some very interesting information too. I think I learned a lot more about radiation in just reading this article rather than watching the news.

    Aubrey- They aren't just used in cancer treatments. Radiation is also used in CT scans and MRIs. They use radiation in cancer treatments just to kill the cancer cells and make sure the cancer does not come back. If there was a better treatment option, I'm sure they'd use that instead.

  9. Radiation occurs when "the atomic nucleus of
    an unstable atom decays and starts releasing
    ionizing particles. The particles can cause
    burns and/or cancer. Radiation is measured in
    REMs, and determines if the levels of radiation
    are safe or not for humans. 50 REMs won't cause
    any problems; 50 to 200 REMs could cause illness;
    200 to 1,000 REMs will cause death. During WWII,
    people were exposed to two doses of radiation,
    and many people experienced symptoms like those
    of cancer, like nausea, hair loss, loss of leukocytes, as well as a weakened immune system.

    I knew radiation wasn't great because my grandpa
    had cancer, and would feel sick and sleep all
    of the time after he received his treatments.
    This article opened my eyes to see that even
    small amounts can harm humans.

    *If humans that have cancer can receive extensive
    radiation therapy, how does it not kill them, or does it after a certain period of time?

    Aaron L.: Since there are different types of
    radiation, I believe illnesses can effect
    different parts of the body. For example,
    UltraViolet Radiation can cause melanomas,
    like we learned about in previous articles.

    Grace: The article about the animals is devastating! I'm such an animal lover, and to see that there are around 30,000 animals affected by the radiation is so sad! It's also interesting that mammals, even though they aren't identically made up like humans, will have similar effects.

  10. From reading this article it has made me realize that the radiation over in Japan is much worse than i thought ever thought it was. This article tells us about the different radiation dosages we can take as a human. First, radiation is when the atomic nucleus of an unstable atom decays and releases ionizing radiation. Scientists measure the radiation dosage that humans can take in REM's.Some of the REM's are 50 rem will cause no changes in the body, 50 to 200 will cause ilnesses, but no deaths. 200 to 1,000 rem's will cause very serious illnesses and the closer you are to 1,000 the worst the outlook looks for you life. Anything over 1,000 causes death. Also exposure to radiation can the reduce the amount of blood clotting agents in the body. Their is another way to measure radiation and that is in mSv. Over 10,000 mSv is instant death. Some ways to reduce the effects of radiation on the body is to take potassium iodine pills and also antibiotics or stem cell transplant is ways to treament cases. Radiation can also be used to treat cancers such as thyroid.

    Question - They mention the affects of radiation on humans, but what about the animals? If there is a zoo near the nuclear plant, then what do they do with the animals who become affected by the radiation? Are they treated the same way as humans?

    Aubrey - I also find it weird that they use radiation to treat humans, because if radiation could seriously hurt our bodies then i'm not sure why we use it.

    Brianna - I agree that it scary to realize that radiation could come to the US and affect us. But i believe we are more prepared for this kind of accident more than Japan is.

  11. This artcile explained what radiation is and how it can affect our bodies. Radiation is when the atomic nucleus of a unstable atom starts releasing ionizing particles. REM is a medical tool used to measure the amount of radiation man is exposed to. A dose of 50 will usually cause no problems, but a dose of 1,000 will most likely cause death to any human being. Anything dose in between will vary on the severities. Pottasium iodine pills is one way of reducing radiation within the body. A person who is exposed to radiation may have hair loss (not permanent) or become very sick. It also kills of white blood cells making us more vunerable to internal bleeding. A simple cut can take a lot longer to stop bleeding. Radiation is used however to treat some cancer, but still can be harmful.

    Aubrey- I agree with you. I think it's weird that we are trying to help people but also putting them in harms way with radiation methods.

    Grace- The video is inspiring yet very sad. :( But it was very nice to watch! so thanks you!!!

  12. Radiation is caused by ionized particles. When humans come into content with these particles it can cause burns or cancer. REM is what is used to measure radiation dosage. Radiation's effect is determined by how much radiation is received: 50 REM's and less will not cause much damage, 50-200 REM's can cause illness, 200-1000 REM's will cause serious illness, and over 100 REM's is almost certain death. Radiation sickness may cause a loss of white blood cells, nausea, vomiting, headache, and maybe hair loss. To prevent such occurrences taking potassium iodide will help. Doctors can also use antibiotics, colony stimulating factors, blood products, and stem cell transplants.

    Aaron: According to NASA it would take 10,000 REM's to instantly kill someone. The sight I found this on has a lot of other interesting facts about radiation too, check it out.

    Emily: REM and mSv are just two different ways to talk about radiation like yards and meters are just two different ways to talk about distance. 1 REM = 10 mSv

  13. This article helped me realize more of what radiation actually is and helps me understand more of what is going on over in Japan. "Radiation is what happens when the atomic nucleus of an unstable atomic decays and starts releasing ionizing particles". This causes ionizing radiation. The unit used to measure radiation dosage is REM, when stands for roentgen equivalent in man. Certain lower amounts can just cause sickness, other effects could be cancer or even death with higher amounts.

    If all of these radiations are have a bad effect on people what is the kind that helps with cancer?

    Bri: It doesnt make you wander if the radiation form Japan will reach us and what kind of effects it could have on us also.

  14. This articles told me more about the affects of radiation and how it is affecting Japan. Radiation happens when the atom decay and it gives out ionizing particles. Having any contact with radiation can cause burns or cancer, or even lead to death. When we are expose to radiation, the human body produces less blood platelets, which can cause internal bleeding. There are many type of symptoms, but it depends on how much radiation you are exposed to in one day, and it is measured with millisievert per hour. If a person has 10,000 or more radiation, it can cause death or high risk of developing cancer. I didn't realized that Japan was dealing with a serious amount of radiation.

    Aaron L- I looked online and it said there is an illness called Acute radiation syndrome. It said that it is caused by exposure to more than 50 rads of penetrating radiation, in a short amount of time. The example they gave was the firefighters that first respond after Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Event in 1986, suffered from ARS. (

    Emily- I also realized how much radiation that Japan is dealing with, and it's sad because what radiation can cause.

  15. Radiation takes place when the atomic nucleus of an unstable atom decays and starts releasing ionizing particles, known as ionizing radiation. When the particles come into contact with organic material, such as human tissue, they will damage them if levels are high enough, causing burns and cancer...also can be fatal for humans. Exposure to radiation makes our bodies produce fewer blood clotting agents, called blood platelets. They increase our risk of internal bleeding, any cut on the skin will take much longer to stop bleeding. Scientist say almost 50% of humans exposed to 450 rem will die, and so 800 rems will kill virtually anyone. With the Nuclear Power Station in Japan exploding, the fire was contained, but some radiation leaked into the air. So now people are trying to protect everything that they can.

    Is there a way you can tell if you have radiation damage? I know in the medical field radiation is used for some treatments, and the employees protect themselves as much as possible...but i how much they are really affected by radiation?!

    Teya: I did not realize either how much they are dealing with radiation. It is sad for the people that live over their how much they probably are affected. If you would go over there for a week...would it affect us a little bit, but not to were you can tell?

  16. By reading this article i learned more about radiation and the harms it can cause to the human body. Rem measures the dosage of radiation. Having a dose of 50 rem will not cause any problem but having a dose of more that 1,000 rem can cause death. Radiation can cause your body to produce less blood plates. A dosage of 10,000 or more mSv can cause death or cancer.

    Aubrey- i think they use as much radiation as needed to only kill cancer cells and not the patient.

    Nick- if an animal cell is seriously damage by radiation it can break chemical bonds or form new bonds inside molecules which will make the cell die. There can be damage to DNA which can cause cancer. Also radiation is use to treat cancer in animals.

  17. The tsunami in Japan has caused a lot more than damage from the water. Radiation is something that has been one of the affects in Japan. The people in Japan have potential to be exposed to radiation. Radiaton can cause many burns and different types of cancer. Radiation is measured in REMs. A small amount of exposure to radiation may not do much to you. But if you are exposed to high amounts of radiation the affects of it can be very dangerous. High amounts of radiation can lead to death 2 to 3 days after being exposed to it. Also, being exposed to radiation causes your body to produce less blood platelets. Which means if you have a cut, it will take longer for your cut to heal.

    Kelsey: I also wonder if there is a way you can tell if you have radiation damage right away. If you are exposed what signs do you see right away?

    Paige: I do think its sad to that radiation is used on animals! Yes, it helps with some cancers but it also can kill animals.

  18. In this article is expresses our serious and dangerous radiation can be! Radiation is when a atomic nucleus of an unstable atom decays and starts ionizing radiation. In order to determine what the outcome of the amount of intake of radiation is executed by the REM measurement. If someone were to be exposed to a REM level between 50 - 200 they could be subjected to an illiness. In order for a higher risk of fatality one would have to be exposed to a level closer to 1,000. When we are exposeed to radiation our bodies will produce fewer blood platlets. In the result of that internal bleeding is more likely and when one has a cut the bleeding will take longer to stop bleeding. For International Commission on Radiological Protection the more commonly use Millisieverts per hour to determine the measurements. As for the highest level of this measurement is 10,000 and that can result to death, or a high risk of cancers of several different types of organs. I find this information intriging because I've never realized how dangerous it can truly be! Along with that I really never understood what radiation really was.

    Allison- I've done a little research about if radiation affects animals the same. What I've come to learn is that yes it does for the most part. Although the chance of dying is a lot quicker cause they have such a shorter life span. It also came to my attention that birds can spread radiation when they fly, so does this rise a higher alert to to others?

    aaron- Although I couldn't find how much exposure was needed to cause instant death I did see that Multiple myeloma can be a result of too much exposure.

  19. This article is about the everyday concerns of radiation and the way it affects the body. Depending on the amount of radiation exposure the symptoms are different. Radiation can cause different burns, death and a various amount of cancers such as lung, thyroid, breast, leukemia, and other cancers of different organs. There are different doses of radiation and the higher the dosage the more severe the damage will be to you body. Depending on the amount of radiation, treatment is possible with antibiotics, colony stimulation factors, blood products, and stem cell transplants. I think this article is very interesting and factual. It makes me nervous to know that its possible for me to have to go through this and makes me think twice about some things.

  20. Nick: Now that you mention about the animals it makes me wonder the same thing. Or that is it even possible to treat animals? I just wouldn't think that they would put the animals in danger if there wasn't someway to help them.

    Aaron: To see how high those percentages are make me sick. I hate to think about this world losing so many people over one thing and those numbers really put it in perspective for me.

  21. The article on how dangerous radiation can be helped me understand how awful the effects can be. I never really did understand what all radiation did, and now I realize that it can potentially kill you! For example When an atomic bomb explodes, people receive two doses of radiation: one during the explosion, and another from fallout. Fallout is when the radioactive particles that float in the air after an explosion and we breath them in. The article said that exposure to radiation makes our bodies produce fewer blood clotting agents, and causes the loss of white blood cells. Therefore our immune system is not as strong. Levels of alert for radiation are on a scale from 0-7. Japan recenctly had a level 5 alert. It's scary to think about what all radiation can do to you.

    Jordan: I have always been an animal lover and it is so sad that the animals are going through the same thing that the people are. Yes, the people are very important and I hope they get all the help they need. On the other hand I wish people had more intentions of helping the animlas too.

    brianna: It also scares me that the radiation could effect us here. After hearing what it could do to me I feel like we should know more about it. For example how we would know if it is here, or what we should do if it does come here.

  22. This Article was very useful for me. I didn't know how radiation occurred nor, did I know of the life long changing affects that it could have on a individual. Radiation is formed when ionizing particles decay and are released into the atmosphere. Radiation can cause mutation the the human body changing DNA. The human body can also be affected by breast cancer, lung cancer, leukemia and, cancer of many organs due to radiation. I think it's pretty ironic that radiation can cause many cancers but, radiation Therapy often removes many types of cancer cells. There are many different methods on treating people with radiation in low levels of radiation a antibiotic is commonly used but, in high levels it could result in death.

  23. I disagree with Jordan : If this offends someone I apologize. I think spending our time saving the life of an animal is pointless. I believe that there is nothing wrong with having pets but, animals true purpose in this world are to provide meat for humans to eat. I don't believe we should go out and look for the animals at this point, I think all our time should be used to help the people because the life of a human is far more important then the life of an animal.

  24. I agree with Kelsey: what signs are found right away? It scares me to think that Radiation is leaking over to the United States and We could be harmed by it. I would like to know the signs and symptoms of the affects of Radiation.

  25. Radiation is the result of atoms decaying. Coming into contact with radiation can cause burns or cancer. In some cases, radiation can kill you. Radiation can cause internal bleeding to occur. This article opened my eyes to what its like to be in Japan right now. I had no idea that radiation had such harmful effects. Also, the required amount of radiation to be fatal seems like it should be more. This makes it pretty easy to get cancer.

    Gracee: Awesome job at finding this article and video. I feel sorry for these animals!! I learned a lot about how radiation effects animals. Its great that the people are trying to help them.

    Brittany: I’m sorry about your grandpa. I know my aunt would behave the same way after her radiation treatments. I wonder why they were so tired all the time..

  26. I think this article is informational. I did not know that radiation is when an atomic nucleus of an unstable atom starts releasing ionizing particles. I also did not know that the unit for measuring radiation was REM. A 50 REM dose will not cause anything except for blood changing. You need to start worrying when it reaches 200 to 1,000 REM.

    BRANDON: I don't agree or disagree, but if the animals start getting radiation in them and have little ones won't that affect us too? If they don't catch the illness I mean.

    Kelsey: I don't think it will reach us if they have it under control. Even if they didn't I don't think it would affect the Midwest as much as the West.

    It also makes you wonder if they have a meltdown and seeps through the soil what would happen then?

  27. The article gave statistics of the effects of radiation on the human body that I have never heard of before. I think it is ironic that a possible nuclear disaster could occur in Japan today because nearly sixty six years ago the Japanese people faced atomic destruction. The strength of radiation in a human being is measured by roentgen equivalent in man, also known as REM's. I was surprised to learn from this article that this isn't the first nuclear disaster at a reactor site in Japan. In fact, Japan has had accident is their nuclear reactors in 1999, 2004, 2007, and now 2011.

    Kelsey: I wouldn't eliminate the possibility that radiation could reach America's shores because nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine affected a large area of land.

    Brandon: I find your comment to be quite interesting. I too believe that authorities in Japan should be focused on helping the human beings that have been affected instead of the animals at this point in time.

  28. My life is beautiful thanks to you, Mein Helfer. Lord Jesus in my life as a candle light in the darkness. You showed me the meaning of faith with your words. I know that even when I cried all day thinking about how to recover, you were not sleeping, you were dear to me. I contacted the herbal center Dr Itua, who lived in West Africa. A friend of mine here in Hamburg is also from Africa. She told me about African herbs but I was nervous. I am very afraid when it comes to Africa because I heard many terrible things about them because of my Christianity. god for direction, take a bold step and get in touch with him in the email and then move to WhatsApp, he asked me if I can come for treatment or I want a delivery, I told him I wanted to know him I buy ticket in 2 ways to Africa To meet Dr. Itua, I went there and I was speechless from the people I saw there. Patent, sick people. Itua is a god sent to the world, I told my pastor about what I am doing, Pastor Bill Scheer. We have a real battle beautifully with Spirit and Flesh. Adoration that same night. He prayed for me and asked me to lead. I spent 2 weeks and 2 days in Africa at Dr Itua Herbal Home. After the treatment, he asked me to meet his nurse for the HIV test when I did it. It was negative, I asked my friend to take me to another nearby hospital when I arrived, it was negative. I was overwhite with the result, but happy inside of me. We went with Dr. Itua, I thank him but I explain that I do not have enough to show him my appreciation, that he understands my situation, but I promise that he will testify about his good work. Thank God for my dear friend, Emma, I know I could be reading this now, I want to thank you. And many thanks to Dr. Itua Herbal Center. He gave me his calendar that I put on my wall in my house. Dr. Itua can also cure the following diseases ... Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Inflammatory Liver, Diabetis, Bladder Cancer,Colorectal Cancer,HPV,Breast Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Leukemia,Lun,Fribroid,Infertility,Parkinson's disease,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Fibromyalgia, recover your ex. You can contact him by email or whatsapp, @ .., phone number .. + 2348149277967 .. He is a good doctor, talk to him kindly. I'm sure he will also listen to you.
